30-bit Quad LVDS test pattern source
The VTG-5225 QLT supports the demanding need for high definition and high color depth testing requirements. The VTG‑5225 QLT is a flexible tool that provides Dual-link DVI, analog VGA and HDTV with the optional 4-channel LVDS output. It supports pixel rates 330 Mpix/s for the Dual-DVI, 300 Mpix/s for the analog VGA and HDMI. The LVDS output supports single, dual and quad pixel mode up to 400 Mpix/s rate and the full 10 bits per color depth.
Supports present and future needs
In addition to the outstanding output signal performance, the VTG-5225 QLT provides superior flexibility by storing timing files, predefined test pattern and custom made bitmaps internally. These features allow the VTG-5225 QLT to support both present and future high resolution panel and display testing requirements.
Powerful programmability and software support
- USB and RS-232 connection
- Powerfull pattern drawing
- True Color bitmaps
- Unlimited number of patterns and timings
- Ultra high speed pattern and bitmap switching
- Pattern and bitmap scrolling
- No additional adaptors needed
Applications include:
- Manufacturing testing
- Engineering signal source
- QA source of standard signals
- Servicing